In a Kiddie Pool? Seriously?
Photo courtesy of Bradford Stephens.
I’ll let Bradford Stephens tell you about it:
“My deck regularly reaches more than 100°. I keep about 3" of water in the pool. The fabric bags and soil draw just the right amount of water up. I use a Vegetronix moisture meter and it looks like the soil is always at about 20% moisture . I lined the bags with rocks on the bottom so the plant roots don't go too deep where it's too moist. Mulch is just 2" of the bulk hardwood. I had a *lot* of problems with Bottom Rot last year due to uneven watering, and so far that doesn't seem to be a problem here.”
Preparing the pool planter
This video is a little long at 15 minutes, but it’s well worth your patience. Dee gives you the basics of kiddie pool gardening as she discusses the proper equipment, how to refresh your soil and the set-up of a watering system. It’s a terrific how-to intro. Plus, she is so enthusiastic!